Q: How do I submit my artwork?
A: We only accept artwork for our monthly shows through our website on our Call For Art page.
Q: When is your next show?
A: Our shows are monthly.
Q: When can I pick up my artwork for a show I submitted to?
A: The Monday after the current show ends during normal business hours.
Q: Does CSL take a commission on my artwork?
A: "Artist will pay 30% commission on each piece sold at CSL.
Q: What is the purpose of this Call for Artists?
This Call for Artists is a unique opportunity for talented individuals to showcase their artistic abilities and contribute to the creation of a space that not only nurtures spiritual growth but also serves as a canvas for inspiration, reflection, and transformation.
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
This opportunity is open to artists of all backgrounds, styles, and levels of experience. Whether you're an emerging artist or an established professional, we encourage everyone with a passion for creativity to submit their application.
Q: What should I include in my application?
A: Please fill out the questions listed in our online artist application and include photos of your artwork.​​
Q: What criteria are used to evaluate applications?
A: Applications are typically evaluated based on artistic merit, creativity, originality, relevance to the theme, and the artist's ability to contribute to the overall goals of the opportunity.
Q: Can I contact the organizers for more information?
A: Absolutely! If you have any questions or need clarification on the application process, feel free to contact the organizers using the contact information provided in the call for artists.
Q: What happens if my application is accepted?
A: Congratulations! If your application is successful, you will be notified of the next steps, which may include additional details, deadlines, and any requirements for participating in the opportunity.
Remember to carefully read and follow the specific guidelines for each call for artists, as requirements can vary. Good luck with your application!