Journaling Workshop with Brenda Fraser
Sun, Jan 28
|St. Louis
Brenda Fraser, an author and speaker with a passion for empowering individuals, is set to host an engaging journaling workshop inspired by the transformative book "Does My Voice Matter?" written by the inspirational Cynthia James $25 in advance $30 at the door

Time & Location
Jan 28, 2024, 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
St. Louis, 12875 Fee Fee Rd, St. Louis, MO 63146, USA
About the event
This workshop is for anyone who wants to discover the power within that makes them special. The book, "Does My Voice Matter?" has a vital message: Uniqueness is your own glorious imprint on this planet, and it is calling you to come out. It doesn't matter if your awakening is large or small, it doesn't matter what your age, race, religion or history is - anyone can begin right where they are, right now.
*Book is required