Divine Dining

Divine Dining IDeas!
A Night in Tuscany
Tea & Tarot
Moroccan Fish Dinner
Picnic in the Park
Dinner & Dominoes
Calaroke Night
Tapas & Tango
and more!

What is Divine Dining?
It is a unique community builder and fun fundraiser for the Center for Spiritual Living, St. Louis. These events are created and hosted by CSL folks. They involve inspired meals and other activities of all kinds; they are casual picnics, cooking classes, elegant meals, food-related outings, boat rides - most anything goes, as long as food and fun are involved! Your non-CSL friends and family are also welcome to attend. Events will happen June - December of 2024.
How can I be a host?
Easy! Just say you are interested! With support from our Divine Dining team, use the registration form to help you with your planning. You can mail or email it, or turn it in on Sunday. Your registration must be received one month prior to your proposed event. We will work with you to confirm your information, determine the cost, pair you up with a co-host if needed, and include your event in all our marketing.
What are the responsibilities of offering an event?
We can assist you in your planning process, but you ultimately make the decisions about the theme of your event, what/where/when, etc. If you need to partner up with a co-host, we will help with that. The financial responsibility will be yours, or shared if you form a partnership with co-hosts. This is your tax-deductible donated gift to the Center for Spiritual Living St. Louis. You will have the opportunity to promote your event through fliers, email, and on social media. We will create the media, you can help us help you by giving us detailed information about what you have planned. Two weeks before your event, we will email your list of guests to you. You will contact guests with the details of attending your event. The rest is up to you: to host, to create, to have fun!
What if I want to cook but do not have a place? What if I have a place but do not cook?
What if I just want to help out with food or money or my skills?
The Divine Dining team will provide a matching service! Please fill out the registration form stating what you can provide and what you need help with. We’ll match you up with someone who needs what you can offer. You can work out the financial responsibilities with your team.
Cancelled Events
In general, we do not offer refunds on these events, unless the host must cancel. If you prepaid for an event that you later find you cannot attend, you may sell or gift your place to someone else.
What does the money from Divine Dining go to?
Funds raised from Divine Dining go to the Center for Spiritual Living operating budget, to support the wide variety of programs and services we offer our community: Sunday services, education and classes, our music program, spiritual coaching, community service, and much more.
Questions? Please email Michelle Edwards at officemanager@cslstl.org or call her at (314) 201-5500, and we’ll get you answers.