Artist of the Month

Brenda is a Mosaic artist using vintage jewelry pieces, symbols and charms to create "Storytelling Mosaics" or "Memory Mosaics." She works with each customer personally to find the pieces that are meaningful to them. Brenda calls this "Intentional Art" where each piece is chosen and placed with intention.
Prior to making embellished Mosaics, Brenda was a jewelry designer inspired by nature and spirit.
brenda's Art is on display from jan. 1st - jan. 28th
and Reception Jan 21st at 12:30PM at the Center for spiritual living.
her artwork is available for purchase.
"My mosaics show that out of the broken pieces of our lives can come healing and wholeness."

Why do you make art?
To reassemble discarded, unwanted pieces of jewelry into a whole new creation to bring beauty and joy.
What does your art signify?
My art signifies Wholeness. Out of the shattered past, comes beauty. Every broken experience leads us to where we are now. Reassembling the pieces of our past, remembering the sparkling joy and the sharpness of the pain together creates Life.
What Inspires You?
Family memories especially of my Mother, special occasions, flowers, nature, words, language, communication, relationships, connectiveness, Mother Earth, spirituality, symbols, and charms.
What does it communicate?
That we can look at the broken pieces and become discouraged. Or we can pick them up, find their intrinsic value, and reassemble them into a whole new Life. Its important to remember that it is in our brokenness that we find Beauty. We are not defined by our brokenness but by our wholeness.
What is unique or special about how you make Mosaics?
Not many people make mosaics using vintage jewelry. I collect jewelry from a variety of women who often share stories with me of their mothers, of growing up, of music lessons, or religious ceremonies and rites of passage. Usually its after someone has died, like a mother or grandmother, that the jewelry finds a new home with me. Every component has a purpose. I give the jewelry new life by laying out a pattern either by color or metal color, and adding charms and symbols to reflect the stories of a person’s life. I have made frames for couples getting married, I’ve made Tree of Life wall art to tell the story of one’s ancestors, and I’ve made words to create positive affirmations that serve as Art.
Why Should People Care?
Everyone has some treasured memories of a woman in their life. Either a mother, an aunt, a sister, a friend – someone who inspires them or who loved them completely. Once this special woman is gone, they leave behind a piece of themselves with their love and energy infused in their personal jewelry. By using the jewelry of someone whose leads to a hurting heart, a new creation can be made to bring joy. It is a way to keep a piece of their loved one with them at all times. Its also better for the environment, not to add metal to landfills. By recycling the old jewelry, we are protecting Mother Earth, while honoring our earth Mothers.
For more information on Brenda's artwork, feel free to contact us!